Shipping Policy
Order Confirmation
When you place an order with us, you'll receive a confirmation email indicating that we've received your order and have pre-authorized your credit card for the purchase. We will then contact our suppliers to verify that the item is in stock and ready for immediate shipment. If the item is on backorder or unavailable, we will void the pre-authorization and notify you via email. If your item(s) are available for immediate shipment (within three business days), we'll process the payment and prepare your order for shipping.
Order Shipment
If your order is in stock and payment has been processed, it will ship within five business days from the date of your order. We'll send you tracking information within 24 hours of your order leaving the warehouse, sent to the email address you provided at checkout. If you haven't received tracking information within six business days, please contact us at
Address Changes
If your order has been processed or shipped and you need to change the delivery address, we'll do our best to accommodate your request. Please be aware that this may cause delays. Any additional charges incurred from our freight companies due to the address change will be the customer's responsibility.
Shipping Times
All shipping times provided are estimates and should not be considered guarantees. We work closely with our vendors to ensure orders are shipped as promptly as possible. If you decide to cancel an order because it hasn't arrived within the estimated time frame, you will be responsible for all associated shipping charges, fees, warehouse storage costs, and any other related expenses. We appreciate your understanding and patience in these matters.
Shipping Options
Our standard delivery is free for orders above $199.99, otherwise we charge a flat rate of $19.99. This option typically takes between 5 to 15 Business days to reach your doorstep after you've placed your order. We also offer additional shipping options:
- Threshold Shipping: Your item will be delivered onto your porch or into a sheltered area like a garage.
- White Glove Delivery: Your item will be brought into your room of choice, including minor assembly, and all packaging materials will be removed from your home.
By using this site, you agree to these terms of use. If you do not agree, please do not use the site.
Contact Information
Phone: (440) 305-5197
Business Hours: Monday - Friday 9 AM - 5 PM Eastern Standard Time (EST)